The first experiments with the Modified Mini-FOBOS Setup and their preparations


[About Mini-FOBOS]

  • June 2004 Study of Collinear Cluster Tripartition with 252Cf
  • February-March 2004 Commissioning of the Modified Mini-FOBOS with the Transformable Neutron Skin
  • September-December 2003 The setup settles in the new experimental area

  • 2002 Preparation of the mechanical part

  • 2001 Build-up and test of the new gas-supply system

Experimental session June 2004

Study of Collinear Cluster Tripartition with 252Cf

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Experimental session February-March 2004

Commissioning of the Modified Mini-FOBOS

with the Transformable Neutron Skin

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September-December 2003

The setup settles in the new experimental area

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Preparation of the mechanical part

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Build-up and test of the new gas-supply system

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Last revision 25/11/04. Digital photos by D.Kamanin